The universe consists of the infinite and eternal process of the reflection of matter by matter and for matter.

Matter is indeed sensitive and knows in itself an impression shaping it to different degrees. This difference in the marking of the reflection has as its source that the universe is in motion and that it is through it that the reflections and impressions are carried.


This movement and the many aspects of reality make reflections and impressions experience different rhythms, different magnitudes.

We can say that the universe is the reflection of itself in an uninterrupted process of transformations. Its nature is the equivalent of an infinite ocean where everything is reflected in an uninterrupted movement of waves at all levels, at all scales.

This process of reflections and impressions within a moving universe, with all its different aspects of matter, is thus characterized by unequal development. The inequality of the markings of the reflection, of the impression, causes situations of imbalances.

There is movement because unequal development, and uneven development because movement. The main aspect depends on the stage of the process.

On the one hand, the impression of reflection in the material results in making it more complex on the internal plane. On the other hand, the uneven nature of this impression provokes breaks. The break is precisely what characterizes a process leading to a transformation as a qualitative leap.


There is concretely neither cause nor consequence, but only an internal transformation resulting in a greater complexity of matter, an enlargement of its impressions, an increase in the power of its reflections, one or more moments of rupture, a qualitative leap.

It is this movement of internal transformation reflected from matter in matter which inscribes impressions and produces changes. And what takes place internally is the contradiction brought to its outcome.

The law of contradiction, with two poles opposed in a relative manner or not, expressing uninterrupted antagonistic relations, belongs to the general and universal movement of matter.

There is no beginning nor end, because no process is isolated. The reflection and the impression are generalized and uninterrupted; every phenomenon is related, in different ways and to different degrees, to all the other phenomena.

In the universe, everything is constantly transformed, with transformations whose reflection causes impressions, which themselves produce reflections, which provoke impressions, and this to infinity.

There is consequently neither cause nor consequence. The process of transformation is dialectical, it unites the particular and the universal, the relative and the absolute, all being bound together and at the same time unbound in an infinite and eternal process.

Any transformation is added to other transformations and is reflected in them, producing interaction, liaison, mediation.

Nothing is so isolated and independent. Everything is mutually connected and interdependent, constantly transformed and transforming, by the reflection, by the impression.

Absolutely everything is reflection and reflection of reflection, and this to infinity. Matter is inexhaustible and ever more complex, ever richer.

No turning back is possible, never, because the movement produces a series of qualitative leaps that has resulted in a more developed form, more intertwined with the rest of matter.


What is called time is the description of transformation and what is called space is the description of matter, because the universe is only matter, always richer, ever more complex, ever more intertwined to an infinity of aspects of itself.

Any process obeys this mirror-system. The most developed phenomena of nature and life correspond to major qualitative leaps in the complexification of matter on a large scale.

The two poles of electricity, molecular asymmetry in the domain of life in relation to the domain of non-living matter, action and reaction in mechanics, mirror neurons in the brains, union and dissociation of atoms in chemistry, childhood and parenthood, the masculine and the feminine, the class struggle in the modes of production… are examples of complex expression of the movement of matter and of a very high degree of interplay with itself.

This process has no beginning or end. There is no starting point to the universe, nor any point of arrival. There is no « God », no Big Bang, no source, no beginning.

There is only a movement of reflections and impressions ever deeper, in a spiral movement, proceeding by jumps, characterized by unequal development at all levels, affirming the dynamic nature of the internal relations taking a dimension contradictory until breaking.

In fact, not only are the developments unequal between them, but each development is itself unequal in itself, because of the different density of impressions. The law of contradiction applies to the expression of the contradiction itself.

Nothing is therefore indivisible, nor eternal. One becomes two and that forever and everywhere.

As it is formulated in the article « The universe is the unity of the finite and the infinite », published in the Journal of the Dialectic of Nature in People’s China in the first half of the 1970s:

« The end of all concrete things, the sun, the Earth and humanity is not the end of the universe. The end of the Earth will bring a new and more sophisticated cosmic body.

At that time, people will hold meetings and celebrate the victory of the dialectic and welcome the birth of new planets.

The end of humanity will also result in new species that will inherit all our achievements. In this sense… the death of the old is the condition of the birth of the new. »

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